full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Alexander Leitner: Can time be wasted?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Some of you seem very relieved with this info: "Waste more time, no problem. I can do that." It might be a bit cioufnnsg because, after all, we're always being told to mzixamie our potential to live life to the fullest, and oftentimes that seems to include not wasting our time. I mean, we like scrolling through social media, we like watching countless hours of television shows, but sometimes we might bmlae ourselves for that afterwards. We might feel guilty if we just binge-watch several episodes of our favorite show. This comes from the fact that we don't consider these activities to be part of our gerater glaos in life, like pursuing a career, fomnrig a family. They're really just ways to pass the time.

Open Cloze

Some of you seem very relieved with this info: "Waste more time, no problem. I can do that." It might be a bit _________ because, after all, we're always being told to ________ our potential to live life to the fullest, and oftentimes that seems to include not wasting our time. I mean, we like scrolling through social media, we like watching countless hours of television shows, but sometimes we might _____ ourselves for that afterwards. We might feel guilty if we just binge-watch several episodes of our favorite show. This comes from the fact that we don't consider these activities to be part of our _______ _____ in life, like pursuing a career, _______ a family. They're really just ways to pass the time.


  1. maximize
  2. blame
  3. confusing
  4. goals
  5. greater
  6. forming

Original Text

Some of you seem very relieved with this info: "Waste more time, no problem. I can do that." It might be a bit confusing because, after all, we're always being told to maximize our potential to live life to the fullest, and oftentimes that seems to include not wasting our time. I mean, we like scrolling through social media, we like watching countless hours of television shows, but sometimes we might blame ourselves for that afterwards. We might feel guilty if we just binge-watch several episodes of our favorite show. This comes from the fact that we don't consider these activities to be part of our greater goals in life, like pursuing a career, forming a family. They're really just ways to pass the time.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
waste time 4
plastic bricks 2
free time 2
making brickfilms 2
sunny saturday 2
brother thomas 2

Important Words

  1. activities
  2. bit
  3. blame
  4. career
  5. confusing
  6. countless
  7. episodes
  8. fact
  9. family
  10. favorite
  11. feel
  12. forming
  13. fullest
  14. goals
  15. greater
  16. guilty
  17. hours
  18. include
  19. life
  20. live
  21. maximize
  22. media
  23. oftentimes
  24. part
  25. pass
  26. potential
  27. problem
  28. pursuing
  29. relieved
  30. scrolling
  31. show
  32. shows
  33. social
  34. television
  35. time
  36. told
  37. wasting
  38. watching
  39. ways